Thursday 15 March 2018



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I’m Khanageeshwary as you know before. I am currently pursuing my studies in Diploma In Mass Communication at Erican College Kuala Lumpur. The reason why I am mentioning is, for this final week of my blog topic is about Erican College. I’m extremely happy that Erican College is as my topic f this last blog. Erican College is a part of my life I could say. So here I would like to share more  about Erican College and also my experience at  Erican College.

Let me introduce about Erican College as my starting point. Erican College has a legacy of teaching and innovation. It is a member of award winning education founder on 1990. Erican College is located at the brisk of a walking distance of Malaysia's Iconic Twin Tower. It is the main speciality of Erican College I could say. Erican College’s Campus is homestudents from 10 different states and also students from over 41 countries. Erican College provide the world best class of learning programmes. That was the very main reason why many students from overseas and locals as well. The main aim of Erican College is to provide quality education for all category people

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Erican College's founder was Dato Eric Chong. He is such nice human being whom are treat all the students as his own kids. Erican College is now providing excellent programmes to study at here. There are Mass Communication, Interior Design, Graphic Design, Psychology, Information Technology, Culinary Arts, Business Administration, Accountancy, Tourism Managements, Hotel Managements as the Diploma Programme. There Degree and Certificate programmes too. Erican College also is well known and famous in providing English Language courses. One of the best English Language Centre to be say. At English Language Centre is mainly for the foreign students. They are also pursuing their English Courses at Erican English Language Centre. Those programmes are 100% certified by MQA as well.

Erican also providing the best facilities for the students to pursue studies in full of comfort zone. There are Mass Communication Studio where the Mass Communication students can learn the media skills and there are interior design and graphic design gallery and art room for them. Besides that Erican Culinary kitchen are for the culinary art and hotel management students as well. Not only that Erican College will bring the students for the course trip as well. The purpose is to learn even more better by providing new experience for them to utilize it in their assignment and also in their future career. At the same time, Erican College will arrange the internship for students as well. The coordinators and lectures will assist and help them to get internship once they have done with their studies.

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I should never forget the lectures and Staffs at Erican College. I have to mention that I’m far all the way from Kedah. I was quite nervous and scared when I’m entering Erican College just because I did not know anyone there. But once I have step into Erican College I have bunch of friends whom are like family members I could say. They are treat me as their family members. Chinese, Malay, Indians and foreigners students are like one family which we are called as Erican Family. Even we call The founder of Erican Dato Eric Chong as Papa and Mamma as His wife. WE don’t even feel that we are from different religion when we are with our Erican Family.

The lectures are super good in teaching us. Without them we can’t even shaped as we are now. They teach us in good and excellent way. As a student we could see their professionalism in teaching us it is because our lectures are well trained professional lectures. They are never failed in providing quality lectures to us. Every day they shaping us through their extraordinary teaching skills. I had never ever seen that our  lecturers were fed up with in our catch up skills. They still lecturing and guiding us with very passionate and with full of unconditional love which are always will sprinkle on us every classes that we attend. They will monitor us in every single second in how we are studying and our performance in college.

Never forget the  Staffs as well. They too never ever failed to approach in good way. I was came into Erican College through a educational counsellor. Actually she the one who were found out my talents. I was totally in blur mood before I contact to Erican College. Once i have contacted my Education Counsellor regarding my studies then only I felt that I have made a right and perfect decision of my life to be frank. Once after I’m done with conversation with my Education Counsellor, I was realized that I have found a correct platform to pursue my studies at Erican College. Erican College is a bright light of my life I could say.

Before I’m ending up my blog, I would like to share my personal experiences here right now. I’m studying at Erican for 9 months almost going to be one year could say, I felt and started to realized that Erican played an important role in my life. I have been learned thousands of things which are really very useful for my daily life. Erican has taught me in how to live independently in professional way. It has taught me many awesome skills which are really beneficial for my life. To be frank, I have found myself at Erican. Erican showed me whom am I actually and what are talents that’s I’m having.
Seriously I will be missing the life at Erican’s after one year and i don’t think so I will get the same feelings and experiences at any other place later on in future. 

I’m taking this opportunity to thank to my family to allow me to study at Erican, if not my family did not allow me to study here means, definitely I would  missed up the colourful parts of my life and also I’m thanking to all my Erican College's Lecturer and Staffs and never forget my friends those are the one the reason of current happy life. Thanking All to make me smile all of sudden without any reasons.
That's a all for my last week of my last blog. Hope you all like it.
Thanks A Million to all once again.

Tuesday 6 March 2018


Methane… Lots of Methane on Mars

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One of those unexplained and unfathomable disclosures is unquestionably the nearness of Methane on Mars. On Earth, 90% of all methane in the climate is created by living beings. Interest caught hints of methane on the Red Planet and researchers trust this could point to the nearness of life on the red planet, at this exact minute, there are other conceivable clarifications. Interest enlisted surges of methane gas levels utilizing the SAM instrument. These demonstrate that the base esteems are lower than thought, only 0.7 sections for every billion in volume (ppmv), however information has additionally demonstrated that the qualities expanded fundamentally six times, on a few events notwithstanding surpassing seven ppmv, v10 times higher. This demonstrates there is an extra wellspring of methane of obscure starting point.

Things being what they are, would we be able to discount life on Mars? Obviously not, all things are conceivable right now, and things will get much additionally energizing in the coming months For the present, there is just a single thing clear, something is causing methane levels to duplicate up to ten times and after that withdraw radically. Numerous researchers immovably concur that Mars supported life in the inaccessible past, and it is likely that confirmation of that life can be discovered somewhere inside Mars.

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Water on Mars… Lots of Water
Another investigation has affirmed that Mars had an enormous sea. It is likely that a significant part of the northern side of the equator was secured with water as per crafted by a worldwide group of researchers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO), the WM Keck Observatory and NASInfraredared Telescope's in Hawaii.To figure the measure of fluid water that Mars once had, analysts have put in six years making a guide of the measure of substantial water in the momentum air of Mars. Overwhelming water or HDO is a characteristic intensify that happens after some time when hydrogen deuterium offers path to a water atom (H2O). Substantial water dissipates significantly harder. By estimating the measure of this compound in respect to the water atoms in the ebb and flow climate of Mars, analysts have possessed the capacity to decide the measure of water that Mars has lost because of vanishing into space.

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On the off chance that there is water… life as we probably am aware it could exist right? So we have two leader discoveries on Mars, the nearness of water and methane, yet there is more. As indicated by an examination by researchers at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, water streamed on Mars not as much as a million years prior, which is sooner than beforehand thought, and analysts don't preclude the likelihood for the fluid returning on the red planet soon. This was because of a positive tilt of Mars only 500,000 years back, and a comparable tilt will happen again in 140,000 years. This depends on the way that scientists now that Mars, at one point in the far off past had an alternate hub tilt which is fundamentally the edge between the shafts and its orbital plane.

Nearness of Xenon-129 on Mars

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 In a TV talk with, Dr. Brandenburg expressed: "Two awesome catastrophes occurred on Mars," he revealed to Supreme Master TV, indicating Utopia on a guide. "One here, and afterward a space rock affect occurred here, and Cydonia was right in the middle of them. That is perplexing. For what reason would such a significant number of awful things occur in one region of blemishes that just so happened to have antiquarianism on it?"
Presently, having said the greater part of the above, how abnormal would it be that in the removed past, some way or another, a human progress created on Mars? A Martian human advancement that would have deserted hints of their reality, structures, statues, sanctuaries, a huge number of years old, now secured by the unforgiving Martian condition. Is it conceivable that the greater part of the pictures we have seen from Mars, shot back by the Curiosity meanderer aren't only Pareidolia the same number of propose? Imagine a scenario in which in some of those pictures, we are taking a gander at real stays of structures on Mars.

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The Pyramid on Mars

Is this a definitive proof that old human advancements possessed the red planet in the inaccessible past? NASA's interest wanderer has shot on of the most intriguing pictures of the surface of Mars as far back as it touched down on the red planet in 2012. Ufologists and analysts have just begun conjecturing what this antique is and as indicated by numerous it may really be the foundation of a substantially bigger pyramid covered under the Martian sand. Despite the fact that numerous pope propose this is simply one more adventitious shake arrangement of the red planet, others trust that the ideal geometry of the structure recommend it is a misleadingly made development and isn't in any capacity Pareidolia or traps of light and shadow. 

Statue on Mars

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 Is it accurate to say that we are taking a gander at a statue on the surface of Mars? Or on the other hand is it simply one more shake and Pareidolia is kicking in? As indicated by numerous UFOlogists and UFO seekers who, all the time check NASA's pictures from Mars, another fake structure has been found on the surface of the red planet. Obviously this structure looks like statues that are found on Earth.

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Extreme confirmation of antiquated civic establishments on Mars, or Pareidolia? Is it true that we are taking a gander at a statue on the surface of Mars? Or then again is it simply one more shake and Pareidolia is kicking in? To look at the crude picture gave by NASA, please take after this connection and download the High determination TIFF document where you can discover the protest being referred to.

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The Martian Crab
 Extreme proof of life on Mars: Did Curiosity snap a picture of a baffling "animal" on Mars? Numerous individuals trust that despite the fact that the surface states of Mars are excessively cruel to manage life, there is life underneath the Martian surface, and this new picture of NASA's interest wanderer has arouse the verbal confrontation among specialists, ufologists and media whether Mars has life. The "particular" picture appears to indicate "something" clinging to the precipices on the red planet, in any event that is what it would appear that isn't that right? Can't see the protest being referred to? Look precisely to the inside right piece of the picture, there, you will see a peculiar protest that obviously emerges from whatever is left of the encompassing scene. There are shakes on Mars, there are rocks that may look somewhat weird, and after that you have objects like the one in this picture. Something that is totally strange and doesn't appear to be a stone.

Head protector on Mars?

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The Martian head protector is another of those insane pictures. It unquestionably looks like a cap like the ones troopers used to wear before. This one really resembles a World War I head protector, or possibly looks like it a bit wouldn't you say? It could be only one of those extremely pleasantly molded rocks credited to "Martian Mother Nature" however the similitude to an armed force cap is simply unfathomable.

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As should be obvious from the above pictures, there are surely a few pictures which can be clarified as Pareidolia. Be that as it may, different pictures are just mind blowing and can't be clarified as Pareidolia and our cerebrum playing traps on us and it was a shocking, suprising and scary information regarding MARS.

Monday 26 February 2018


Why is the sky blue?

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A reasonable cloudless day-time sky is blue since particles noticeable all around disseminate blue light from the sun more than they disperse red light. When we look towards the sun at nightfall, we see red and orange hues on the grounds that the blue light has been scattered out and far from the observable pathway.

The white light from the sun is a blend of all shades of the rainbow. This was exhibited by Isaac Newton, who utilized a crystal to isolate the diverse hues thus frame a range. The shades of light are recognized by their distinctive wavelengths. The obvious piece of the range ranges from red light with a wavelength of around 720 nm, to violet with a wavelength of around 380 nm, with orange, yellow, green, blue and indigo between. The three distinct sorts of shading receptors in the retina of the human eye react most emphatically to red, green and blue wavelengths, giving us our shading vision.

Tyndall Effect
The Ultimate Packing List for Your February Beach Vacation

The initial moves towards effectively clarifying the shade of the sky were taken by John Tyndall in 1859. He found that when light goes through an unmistakable liquid holding little particles in suspension, the shorter blue wavelengths are scattered more emphatically than the red. This can be exhibited by sparkling a light emission light through a tank of water with a little drain or cleanser blended in. From the side, the shaft can be seen by the blue light it dissipates; however the light observed specifically from the end is blushed after it has gone through the tank. The scattered light can likewise be appeared to be captivated utilizing a channel of spellbound light, similarly as the sky shows up a more profound blue through polaroid sun glasses.

This is most accurately called the Tyndall impact, however it is all the more normally referred to physicists as Rayleigh dispersing—after Lord Rayleigh, who examined it in more detail a couple of years after the fact. He demonstrated that the measure of light scattered is conversely corresponding to the fourth energy of wavelength for adequately little particles. It takes after that blue light is scattered more than red light by a factor of (700/400)4 ~= 10.

Clean or Molecules?

awesome, beautiful, bottom, bottom of the ocean, dream, ocean, sea, sun

Tyndall and Rayleigh believed that the blue shade of the sky must be because of little particles of clean and beads of water vapor in the environment. Indeed, even today, individuals in some cases inaccurately say this is the situation. Later researchers understood that if this were valid, there would be more variety of sky shading with mugginess or fog conditions than was really watched, so they gathered accurately that the atoms of oxygen and nitrogen noticeable all around are adequate to represent the dispersing. The case was at long last settled by Einstein in 1911, who ascertained the nitty gritty recipe for the dispersing of light from atoms; and this was observed to be in concurrence with explore. He was even ready to utilize the computation as a further confirmation of Avogadro's number when contrasted and perception. The particles can disperse light on the grounds that the electromagnetic field of the light waves prompts electric dipole minutes in the atoms.

For what reason not violet?

In the event that shorter wavelengths are scattered most unequivocally, at that point there is a perplex regarding why the sky does not seem violet, the shading with the briefest obvious wavelength. The range of light emanation from the sun isn't consistent at all wavelengths, and moreover is consumed by the high climate, so there is less violet in the light. Our eyes are likewise less touchy to violet. That is a piece of the appropriate response; yet a rainbow demonstrates that there remains a lot of obvious light hued indigo and violet past the blue. Whatever remains of the response to this bewilder lies in the way our vision works. We have three sorts of shading receptors, or cones, in our retina. They are called red, blue and green since they react most emphatically to light at those wavelengths. As they are fortified in various extents, our visual framework develops the hues we see.Response bends for the three kinds of cone in the human eye.

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When we gaze toward the sky, the red cones react to the little measure of scattered red light, yet additionally less firmly to orange and yellow wavelengths. The green cones react to yellow and the all the more firmly scattered green and green-blue wavelengths. The blue cones are invigorated by hues close blue wavelengths, which are emphatically scattered. On the off chance that there were no indigo and violet in the range, the sky would seem blue with a slight green tinge. Be that as it may, the most firmly scattered indigo and violet wavelengths invigorate the red cones marginally and also the blue, which is the reason these hues seem blue with an additional red tinge. The net impact is that the red and green cones are animated about similarly by the light from the sky, while the blue is fortified all the more emphatically. This blend represents the pale sky blue shading. It may not be a happenstance that our vision is changed in accordance with see the sky as an unadulterated tone. We have developed to fit survival advantage. \


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At the point when the air is clear the dusk will seem yellow, on the grounds that the light from the sun has passed a long separation through air and a portion of the blue light has been scattered away. On the off chance that the air is contaminated with little particles, characteristic or something else, the dusk will be more red. Nightfalls over the ocean may likewise be orange, because of salt particles noticeable all around, which are successful Tyndall scatterers. The sky around the sun is seen blushed, and in addition the light coming specifically from the sun. This is on the grounds that all light is scattered moderately well through little edges—however blue light is then more inclined to be scattered twice or more finished the more noteworthy separations, leaving the yellow, red and orange hues.

Blue Haze and Blue Moon

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Mists and tidy fog seem white since they comprise of particles bigger than the wavelengths of light, which diffuse all wavelengths similarly (Mie disseminating). In any case, some of the time there may be different particles noticeable all around that are significantly littler. Some bumpy districts are popular for their blue dimness. Pressurized canned products of terpenes from the vegetation respond with ozone in the climate to frame little particles around 200 nm over, and these particles disseminate the blue light. A woodland fire or volcanic emission may once in a while fill the environment with fine particles of 500– 800 nm over, being the correct size to disseminate red light. This gives the inverse to the standard Tyndall impact, and may make the moon have a blue tinge since the red light has been scattered out. This is an exceptionally uncommon marvel, happening actually once in a blue moon.


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The Tyndall impact is in charge of some other blue hue's in nature, for example, blue eyes, the opalescence of some diamond stones, and the shading in the blue jay's wing. The hues can shift as indicated by the measure of the disseminating particles. At the point when a liquid is close to its basic temperature and weight, minor thickness changes are in charge of a blue tinge known as basic opalescence. Individuals have likewise replicated these regular impacts by making decorative glasses impregnated with particles, to give the glass a blue sheen. However, not all blue shading in nature is caused by diffusing. Light under the ocean is blue since water retains longer wavelength of light through separations over around 20 meters. At the point when seen from the shoreline, the ocean is likewise blue since it mirrors the sky, obviously. A few flying creatures and butterflies get their blue hues by diffraction impacts.

Why is the Mars sky red?

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Pictures sent over from the Viking Mars landers in 1977 and from Pathfinder in 1997 demonstrated a red sky seen from the Martian surface. This was because of red iron-rich cleans hurled in the tidy tempests happening every once in a while on Mars. The shade of the Mars sky will change as indicated by climate conditions. It ought to be blue when there have been no current tempests, however it will be darker than the world's daytime sky on account of Mars' more slender climate.
Finally, those are interesting facts about the sky. I am a Sky lover Actually. THANK YOU

Monday 19 February 2018


What is a Phoenix?

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The Phoenix is an everlasting winged animal who epitomizes every one of the properties of the sun: its wonderful brilliance, its warm yet singular nature, and above all, its cycle of death and resurrection.

Physical Description

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In spite of the fact that the Phoenix is well known for its wonderful appearance, researchers can't concur on a point by point portrayal of that appearance.

By a few records, the flying creature has lovely red and gold quills, which bodes well, given its association with the sun. Other antiquated journalists assert its plumes are shaded by an extremely valuable purple color, which compliments its epithet: "the illustrious winged animal." Still others guarantee that the Phoenix has an indistinguishable sumptuous hues from the peacock, which shares its domain in India.

The Phoenix's size and extents are likewise bantered about. It might be as little as a hawk or bigger than an ostrich. It more often than not has a long, swan-like neck, alongside a peak of plumes on its head, substantial wings, and a long tail like a chicken or peacock. Be that as it may, a few authors have depicted it in the state of a peddle, with flaky legs and sharp claws, or a heron, with long legs and a long sharp bill.

The one detail on which all scholars concur is the Phoenix's brilliant corona. This great feathered creature reflects so much light that it seems to emit beams, similar to the sun.


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"The illustrious winged animal" is a lone animal, holding itself reserved from different feathered creatures that screech and quarrel. In like manner, it is once in a while observed by people.

Albeit saved, the Phoenix is prestigious for its ethics. It demonstrates incredible regard for other honorable animals, similar to its parent Phoenix or effective lords and divine beings, and it will help them out in the midst of need. It is likewise delicate towards second rate animals, making no mischief any of them.

Environment and Behavior

In spite of the fact that the Phoenix's legend originates from Greece, the winged creature itself was said to live in the wildernesses of India or Assyria. He builds homes for himself, high over the world, and weaves valuable herbs like frankincense, cinnamon, and myrrh into the twigs. Every so often, he leaves his home to extend his brilliant wings. When he flies, different winged creatures are amazed and shape a parade behind him.

The Phoenix eats just valuable herbs, declining to eat untidy organic products or nuts like different fowls. He is entirely vegan, so no life is wrecked to fuel his own. Truth be told, a few researchers trust the sun winged animal doesn't have to eat by any stretch of the imagination.

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He is resistant to infections, and no predators set out to assault him. In any case, as he approaches five hundred years old, his eminent eyes start to diminish, and his quills begin dropping out. As he becomes weaker, the feathered creature starts changing his home into a burial service fire or a round tomb, and on his five hundredth birthday celebration, he sings an eerie memorial service melody to himself, at that point kicks the bucket. A few stories assert that he ejects into fire, and his body is diminished to fiery remains. Others guarantee that he essentially rots.

In any case, the Phoenix's passing is the start of his legend. Inside a brief span, a child Phoenix will ascend from his dad's fiery debris or cadaver, an accomplishment which has earned these splendid winged animals a place among folklore's most acclaimed animals.

To respect his dad, the new Phoenix will convey his remaining parts to a sun sanctuary in Heliopolis, Egypt, when his wings are sufficiently solid for the long voyage.


In the fifth century BC, a Greek characteristic student of history composed the primary known depiction of a Phoenix. In any case, he attributed the possibility of the flying creature to the Egyptian individuals, who had portrayed it to him as a living image of the sun divine beings.

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Greek researchers and artists locked onto the infant Phoenix and added layers to its legend. In the long run, the venerated sun winged creature was passed along to the Romans, at that point to Europeans, who utilized it as an image for illustrious traditions, Jesus' revival, and expectation when all is said in done. The image turned out to be powerful to the point that, similar to the Phoenix itself, it ended up undying and go from age to age without becoming faint.

Comparable winged creatures can be found in Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, Russian, and Native American legends.

Present Day Appearance

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Today, the Phoenix is so outstanding that it can be utilized as a passing reference in discussions, at whatever point a man has experienced a difficulty and necessities to recuperate.

It has likewise clutched its crown in the dream class. CS Lewis, JK Rowling, Neil Gaiman, and Terry Pratchet have all respected the sun flying creature into their stories.

My Inspiration

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Personally The Phoenix Bird is an inspiration for me, because It tells do not give ever give up at anytime and it tells that we should keep our self on fire when we are doing something important in life. So that is the reason why I have chosen Phoenix Bird as my Post's topic for this week.

Thursday 15 February 2018


Sanjeevani, is a Sanskrit word, means "relentless", "the unending life", or "sustaining".

In Hindu fables, Sanjeevani is delineated a captivated herb which can cure any malady. It was assumed that medicines masterminded from this herb could revive a dead person. This herb is determined in the Ramayana when, Ravana's youngster Indrajit tosses a proficient weapon at Lakshmana. Lakshmana is truly harmed and is about executed by Indrajeet. Hanuman was called upon to get this herb from the mount Dunagiri(Mahodaya) in the Himalayas or Valley of Flowers. In the wake of accomplishing Mount Sumeru, Hanuman was not capable perceive the herb and lifted the entire mountain and pass on it to the battle region. Today there is up 'til now the astound and the output for Sanjeevani, the plant that gives back life yet again. Finally, it is an output for the data about ever-enduring life in you, a search for everlasting status.

Sanjeevani Booti: Is the great herb from Ramayana no uncertainty?

The History of Sanjeevani Booti

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In the angry battle that happened between Ravana's youngster Meghnad and Ram's kin Lakshmana, a deadly jolt could have changed the course of the war. Lakshmana lost perception and Rama cried in lose trust. In that dire hour, Hanuman moved nearer the Lankan Royal Physician Sushena for course. Sushena asked for that Hanuman rush to Dronagiri Hills and bring four heavenly herbs - Mrutha Sanjeevani (perpetually), Vishalyakarani (For jolts), Sandhanakarani (For skin) and Savarnyakarani (For skin shading).

Is Sanjeevani Booti just a fiction?

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On accomplishing Dronagiri, Hanuman was perplexed because of the huge herbs open on that mountain. Not prepared to pick the four from the colossal number, he brought back the entire slant. Lakshmana was revived from close destruction back to life. The unavoidable issue here is that - Is the Sanjeevani Booti just a recounted bit of this amazing story? Or then again does it truly exist? If Yes, where is it found? We ought to find.

The Mystery behind Sanjeevani Booti

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In Hindu old stories, Sanjeevani is a puzzling herb which can cure any issue. It was assumed that medicines orchestrated from this herb could restore life in a dead person. While a couple of references in coherent written work list Selaginella bryopteris as the Sanjeevani determined in Hindu old stories, a quest for old compositions has so far not revealed any plant that can be completely certified as Sanjeevani. In particular compositions it is made that Sanjeevani sparkles unmindful.

What is Sanjeevani Booti?

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Each one of us understand that plants with therapeutic properties exist in nature. From Holy Basil (Tulsi) to coriander, a lot of plants have staggering recuperating impacts. A smart chase over the Internet will uncover to you that Sanjeevani Booti is for the most part known as Selaginella bryopteris. Since ages, people have been examining the powerful effects of this plant. Truly, it is a plant of inconceivable essentialness to the overall population with everything taken into account and it should be analyzed inside and out.

Has Sanjeevani Booti been rediscovered in 21st Century?

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A couple of individuals have ensured that they could discover two social events of plants in the Dronagiri Hills thatcould be the old ponder plant. This incline is in Joshimath, Garhwal and it comes to up to a stature of 15,000 feet. Reality behind the disclosure still ought to be affirmed. Cultivating scientists at Indian National Botanical Research Institute are working altogether on Sanjeevani Booti to reveal more covered realities about it.

Explanation, from Valmiki Ramayana (Yuddh kand 74)

Right when Hanuman saluted in his feet, Lankan Royal Physician Sushena determined, "On the Himalayas, among Kailas and rishabh mountain there lies a heap of sustaining herbs. The herbs are of four groupings: mritsanjivani, vishalyakarni, suvarnkarni, and sandhani. They for the most part transmit light. You have to go with those herbs and no more dependable.

   Latest news around Sanjeevani Booti

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Diverse examinations drove on this plant revealed an uncommon component of assurance from drought in this plant. This part makes Sanjeevani Booti prepared for standing dry season conditions for long years. Agricultural analysts are planning to install this quality from the plant to various items. In like manner, the items would end up impenetrable to drought conditions. Such transgenic plants would help in turning away loss of items despite when satisfactory water is missing.
Typical vocations of Selaginella bryopter isSelaginella bryopteris, alluded to routinely as sanjeevini and sanjivini booti(Devanagari:संजीवनी), is a lithophytic plant. It is used remedially in India. The standard namesanjeevani which translates as "One that infuses life" gets from the helpful properties. Sanjeevani creates on the slants of tropical domains, particularly the Arawali Mountain scenes from east to west in India. This plant is found in the "Vadakunathan asylum" in the domain of Kerala - "Thrissur". The dry plants have by and large been used as an answer for a couple of human prosperity troubles for an impressive time allotment in India, particularly by innate social orders. Standard uses consolidate assistance from warm stroke, dysuria, eccentric period, and jaundice, however the sufficiency has not been tentatively end

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While a couple of references in intelligent written work list Selaginella bryopteris as the Sanjeevani said in Hindu old stories, a chase of obsolete messages starting at now in advance in CSIR explore offices has so far not revealed any plant that can be completely asserted as Sanjeevani. In particular compositions it is created that Sanjeevani sparkles unmindful. Sanjeevani Booti is prominent for its helpful popert The analysts in the present world have coordinated wide group of studies rand shut the zones where the herb can be used effectively to treat ailments. As per Wikipedia, the current circumstance Selaginella bryopteris can be used for treating heat strokes, sporadic menstrual cycles, constraining the work torments, treating Jaundice et cetera – Not that astounding! So is there some other plant that can be assigned the eminent Sanjeevani?

What makes Mrita Sanjeevani?

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Saussurea gossypiphora creates at a stature of 4300 – 5600 meters in different parts of Himalayas. It is overflowing with cotton fiber and takes after a "snowball" and is around 10-20 cm long and has white sprouts and Pleurospermum candollei is 30-40 cm long and these two through and through make 'Mrita Sanjeevani'.

Livelihoods of this herb

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Both the already specified herbs were used to cure conspicuousness, cerebral disperses, respiratory issues, genuine torments and diverse issues. The tribal people, towns, monkish life thinking about Himalayan traditions, never revealed about these plants with the fear of abuse and demolition. These two great home developed plants were used for the love of mountain god and spots of nation society living in the valleys of Dronagiri. Regardless, lotus is offered to the perfect creatures and goddesses in all the religious spots masterminded in Uttarakhand. The most captivating fact is that both these plants are loved like god and is a basic perspective from investigate viewpoint. Moreover, when these home developed plants create, they have the most outrageous scent when stood out from other remedial plants creating in that area. It is in like manner surprising to observe that the plants lose all their fragrance in dry state. In all probability this would have been the inspiration driving why ruler hanuman passed on the whole mountain to save Lakshman. He might not want to lose the remedial attributes of the plants. It is said that ace hanuman went and set the mountain back in its position after Lakshman grabbed mindfulness. This is the best case to show up about the assurance of remedial plants. This is the revelation of Mrita Sanjeevani out of the four indicated in the underlying fragment of Ramayana.

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Research work from the Leh-based Defense Institute of High Altitude Research (DIHAR) has shown that the herb holds mind blowing potential in helping military troops adjust to high rises, for instance, the Siachen ice sheet, which at 5400 meters (17,700 feet) is the most imperative battle zone on the planet, where the Indian and Pakistani military stand up to each other. "Rhodiola is a consider plant that has immunomodulatory (overhauling safe), adaptogenic (changing in accordance with troublesome climatic condition), and radio-guaranteeing limits, on account of the closeness of helper metabolites and phytoactive blends unique to the plant," R.B. Srivastava, official of DIHAR, said. "An intentional effort including safeguarding, spread and supportable utilization of this unique helpful herb will in all likelihood result in rediscovery of Sanjeevani for the troops passed on in over the top climatic condition along Himalayan backwoods," included Srivastava.

Other extraordinary attributes of the plant consolidate reviving recovery after strenuous physical development, redesigning memory, and reducing cardiovascular weight. "Our investigation reveals its potential for against developing, tissue recuperation, securing neurons in the midst of nonappearance of oxygen, and mental change," said Sunil Hota, who is analyzing helpful properties of the plant at DIHAR. While its adaptogenic attributes can empower the troopers in changing as per the low weight/to low oxygen condition, the plant has in like manner been found to have energizer and hors d'oeuvre properties," claims Srivastava.

Friday 2 February 2018



Chinnaswami Subramania Bharati, otherwise called Bharathiyar (11 December 1882 – 11 September 1921) was a Tamil author, artist and columnist, and Indian autonomy extremist and social reformer from Tamil Nadu. Famously known as "Mahakavi Bharati", he was a pioneer of present day Tamil verse and is viewed as one of the best Tamil abstract figures ever. His various works were blazing tunes arousing patriotism and patriotism amid the Indian Independence movement.

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Conceived in Ettayapuram of Tirunelveli area (show day Thoothukudi) in 1882, Bharati had his initial training in Tirunelveli and Varanasi and filled in as a writer with numerous daily papers, remarkable among them being the Swadesamitran and India. Bharati was likewise a dynamic individual from the Indian National Congress. In 1908, a capture warrant was issued against Bharati by the legislature of British India for his progressive exercises, driving him to escape to Puducherry, where he lived until 1918.

Bharati's works were on changed subjects covering religious, political and social angles. Tunes penned by Bharati are regularly utilized as a part of Tamil movies and a lot of music shows all through India and abroad nations, wherever Tamil Indians live.

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Bharati was destined to Chinnaswami Subramania Iyer and Lakhsmi Ammal as Subbaiah on 11 December 1882, in the town of Ettayapuram. He was instructed at a nearby secondary school called The M.D.T. Hindu College in Tirunelveli. From an exceptionally youthful age, he learnt music and at eleven, he learnt verse. It was amid this time he was presented the title of "Bharati", the one favored by Saraswati, the goddess of learning. Bharati lost his mom at five years old and his dad at sixteen years old. He wedded Chellamma who was seven years of age when he was fifteen years of age. He was raised by his dad who needed him to learn English, exceed expectations in number juggling, and turn into a designer. Through his incredible endeavors, he learnt 32 dialects (29 Indian dialects and 3 remote dialects).

Amid his stay in Varanasi, Bharati was presented to Hindu otherworldly existence and patriotism. This expanded his standpoint and he learned Sanskrit, Hindi and English. Also, he changed his outward appearance. He likewise grew a whiskers and wore a turban because of his appreciation of Sikhs, affected by his Sikh companion. In spite of the fact that he passed a placement test for an occupation, he came back to Ettayapuram amid 1901 and began as the court artist of Raja of Ettayapuram for two or three years. He was a Tamil instructor from August to November 1904 in Sethupathy High School in Madurai.[3] During this period, Bharati comprehended the should be very much educated of the world outside and appreciated the universe of news coverage and the print media of the West. Bharati joined as Assistant Editor of the Swadeshamitran, a Tamil every day in 1904. In December 1905, he went to the All India Congress session held in Benaras. On his excursion back home, he met Sister Nivedita, Swami Vivekananda's profound beneficiary. She enlivened Bharati to perceive the benefits of ladies and the liberation of ladies practiced Bharati's brain. He envisioned the new lady as a radiation of Shakti, a ready aide of man to assemble another earth through co-agent try. He considered Nivedita as his Guru and penned a few verses adulating her. He went to the Indian National Congress session in Calcutta under Dadabhai Naoiroji, which requested Swaraj and blacklist of British products.

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By April 1907, he began altering the Tamil week by week India and the English daily paper Bala Bharatham with M.P.T. Acharya. These daily papers were additionally a methods for communicating Bharati's imagination, which started to crest amid this period. Bharati began to distribute his lyrics consistently in these releases. From psalms to nationalistic works, from thoughts on the connection amongst God and Man to melodies on the Russian and French upheavals, Bharati's subjects were various.

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Bharati partook in the notable Surat Congress in 1907 alongside V.O. Chidambaram Pillai and Mandayam Srinivachariar, which extended the divisions inside the Indian National Congress with an area inclining toward furnished protection, basically drove by Tilak and Aurobindo over direct approach favored by certain different areas. Bharati upheld Tilak and Aurobindo together with V. O. Chidambaram Pillai and Kanchi Varathachariyar. Tilak transparently bolstered outfitted protection against the British.

Amid his outcast, Bharati had the chance to meet numerous different pioneers of the progressive wing of the Independence development like Aurobindo, Lajpat Rai and V.V.S. Aiyar, who had likewise looked for haven under the French. Bharati helped Aurobindo in the Arya diary and later Karma Yogi in Pondicherry.]This was additionally the period when he began learning Vedic writing. Three of his most noteworthy works to be specific, Kuyil Pattu, Panchali Sapatham and Kannan Pattu were formed amid 1912. He additionally deciphered Vedic psalms, Patanjali's Yoga Sutra and Bhagavat Gita to Tamil.[3] Bharati entered India close Cuddalore in November 1918 and was immediately captured. He was detained in the Central jail in Cuddalore in authority for three weeks from 20 November to 14 December and was discharged after the intercession of Annie Besant and C.P. Ramaswamy Aiyar. He was stricken by neediness amid this period, bringing about his evil wellbeing. The next year, 1919, Bharati met Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi. He continued altering Swadesimeitran from 1920 in Madras (cutting edge Chennai).

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He was severely influenced by the detainments and by 1920, when a General Amnesty Order at long last expelled confinements on his developments, Bharati was at that point battling. He was struck by an elephant named Lavanya at Parthasarathy sanctuary, Triplicane, Chennai, whom he used to nourish frequently. In spite of the fact that he survived the occurrence, a couple of months after the fact his wellbeing weakened and he kicked the bucket on 11 September 1921 early morning around 1 am. In spite of the fact that Bharati was viewed as a people's artist, an extraordinary patriot, exceptional opportunity contender and social visionary, it was recorded that there were just 14 individuals to go to his memorial service. He conveyed his last discourse at Karungalpalayam Library in Erode, which was about the point Man is Immortal.] The most recent years of his life were spent in a house in Triplicane, Chennai. The house was purchased and revamped by the Government of Tamil Nadu in 1993 and named Bharati Illam (Home of Bharati).

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Bharati is considered as one of the pioneers of present day Tamil literatureBharati utilized basic words and rhythms, not at all like his earlier century works in Tamil, which had complex vocabulary. He additionally utilized original thoughts and strategies in his reverential sonnets. He utilized meter called Nondi Chindu in a large portion of his works, which was prior utilized by Gopalakrisnha Bharathiar.

Bharati's verse communicated a dynamic, reformist perfect. His symbolism and the power of his verse were a herald to current Tamil verse in various perspectives. He was the harbinger of a compelling sort of verse that consolidated traditional and contemporary components. He had a huge yield penning a large number of verses on various subjects like Indian Nationalism, adore tunes, youngsters' tunes, melodies of nature, radiance of the Tamil dialect, and tributes to noticeable opportunity contenders of India like Tilak, Gandhi and Lajpat Rai. He even penned a tribute to New Russia and Belgium. His verse not just incorporates takes a shot at Hindu divinities like Shakti, Kali, Vinayagar, Murugan, Sivan, Kannan(Krishna), yet in addition on different religious divine beings like Allah and Jesus. His shrewd analogies have been perused by a large number of Tamil perusers. He was knowledgeable in different dialects and deciphered discourses of Indian National change pioneers like Aurabindo, Bala Gangadar Tilak and Swami Vivekananda.

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He is known to have stated, "Regardless of whether Indians are isolated, they are offspring of one Mother, where is the requirement for outsiders to meddle?" In the period 1910– 1920, he expounded on another and free India where there are no positions. He discusses developing India's protection, her boats cruising the high oceans, accomplishment in assembling and widespread training. He calls for sharing among states with great symbolism like the redirection of abundance water of the Bengal delta to destitute locales and a scaffold to Sri Lanka.

Bharati additionally needed to abrogate starvation. He sang, "Thani oru manithanakku unavu illayenil intha jagaththinai azhithiduvom" interpreted as " If one single man experiences starvation, we will pulverize the whole world".

Some of his ballads are interpreted by Jayanthasri Balakrishnan in English in her blog, however not distributed.

Bharathi likewise is the man who voice out for ladies. Bharati is viewed as the first to have supported and battled for ladies' interest in governmental issues. He pushed more prominent rights for ladies and their training. He imagined an advanced Indian lady at the vanguard of society. He was of the solid sentiment that the world will flourish in information and mind if the two men and ladies are esteemed equivalent. He denounced the Shashtras, the methods figured by some customary Hindus and weren't held as heavenly by most Hindus, that smothered ladies' rights. The majority of his perspectives are viewed as contemporary even in present day times.

Those are the mesmerizing information about my favourite poet. He is my inspiration as well. HIS poems, sayings and quotes are seriously touched my heart and those poems and quotes are motivates me in every single minute in my life. I LOVE MAHAKAVI BHARATHIYAR, NO ONE CAN REPLACE HIM AND I DID NOT SEE A HUMAN BEING LIKE HIM.
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